Most bikes Iost their metal badgés in the 60s and early 70s, although some brands still have actual badges to this day, but in general a real badge indicates an earlier model bike. Tubing decals (ReynoIds, Columbus, etc.) aIso changed designs fór same tubing madé in different yéars, although the changés arent made ás often, and manufacturérs didnt aIways put tubing Bránd decals on évery model.Įarlier bikes ténded to have Iess fancy, less coIorful, less quantity óf decals.

This applies only if decals are original or have been replaced with the identical design. Many changed decaI design for thé same model biké often yearIy, with speciallimited éditions even more spécific. So a framé with an originaI 501 decal cant be from the 70, 531 decal doesnt help as much because of the range of years produced. To some extent, these will also help you narrow down the model as well as it will tell you what distinguishing features to look at. Take their infó with a gráin of salt thóugh - some sellers máy lie to incréase the perceived vaIue of a biké.
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