
Front mission 4 pnach
Front mission 4 pnach

Despite his apparent capriciousness, he has a strong sense of right and wrong and he loathes unfair play.

front mission 4 pnach

Though a nice and pleasant person, O'Neill rarely comes across as reliable in regards to military work. Walter and Randy trained at the Home 47 division and later served in the infantry, though Randy desired to become a Wanzer pilot. Randy's decision to enlist in the USN Army was influenced by the scars that Walter and Glen received during a skirmish in the First Huffman War. Randy is a childhood friend of Walter and Glen, growing up together in Freedom City. Despite this, Glen masters the device's abilities and later upgrades to the revised Type-S Device, making him one of the deadliest Wanzer pilots in the world. Through intelligence reports, it is revealed that Glen works for the Grimnir and is now a Type-S user, though he suffers from the device's worst condition, losing all the memories of his life before working for Grimnir. Since the Fort Monus City experience, Glen and Walter have crossed paths in the future around the world. Glen encounters both of them on three separate occasions in the future, killing Randy on the third encounter. When Randy and Walter enlisted in the USN Army, Glen did not join them and enlisted in the OCU Army instead. During a skirmish in the First Huffman War, Glen protected Walter from bullet casings fired by a nearby Wanzer (which is how they received their scars). Glen is another childhood friend of Walter and Randy. Their daughter, who resembles Lynn, is shown in the epilogue. Over time, Wenright falls in love with Walter and the two eventually get married. Every Marine in the Strike Wyverns obey her out of fear of being sent to the "Kill House", a location where she deals with disobedient soldiers. She is well known for her always-serious and demanding attitude, despite having a soft spot for Walter. Upon leaving the Barghest for undisclosed reasons, she assumes command of the Strike Wyverns unit. Lynn's military history includes graduating from the Home 47 division and serving in the Barghest unit. Lynn is the game's main female protagonist. As a result, Walter is one of the very few normal pilots in the world who can survive encounters against Type-S users. While this puts him at a major disadvantage in battles against Type-S users, Walter constantly trains to refine his piloting skills. Walter refuses to be implanted with the Type-S device after he joins the Barghest unit.

#Front mission 4 pnach code#

While he is a patriot, Feng is conflicted between following his moral code or the USN's on many occasions.

front mission 4 pnach

Over the years, Feng works very hard in military operations, gaining the respect of his colleagues and superiors. After the war, he applies to join the Strike Wyverns, which sets in motion the events that lead to more encounters with Glen. In the Second Huffman War, Walter encounters his former best friend Glen Duval on three separate occasions. Walter first experiences the realities of war in the First Huffman War, which inspires him to enlist in the USN Army.

front mission 4 pnach

Walter is the game's main male protagonist.

Front mission 4 pnach